Mindfulness Therapy

Mindfulness Therapy

In today’s world, we’re constantly encouraged to be mindful. Mindful of the spaces we inhabit, mindful of the time, mindful of others’ feelings. But do you know what happens when we turn that mindfulness inward instead of outward? Change. Self discovery. Healing. 

What is mindfulness?

Image of person standing peacefully. This picture could depict someone who gone to mindfulness counselling in the United Kindgom. Maybe they met with a mindfulness therapist to work on stress.

Maybe you’ve found yourself wondering “what even is mindfulness?” Well, mindfulness is intentionally bringing awareness to what is happening in the moment in a non-judgmental way. It’s quieting the mind chatter enough to listen to your deepest needs and desires. When you are able to quiet the mind in this way, you can notice the world without adding inner dialogues or judgements. Likewise, it helps you dampen the opinions, judgements, and expectations others have put on you. Mindfulness helps you sit in the discomfort of the shoulda, woulda, couldas and instead, tap into your truest self.

While mindfulness has its oldest roots in Eastern culture, Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn introduced it in an original way to the Western world in 1979. This science-backed psychological approach to mindfulness became a standardized practice called Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR). I am a certified MBSR therapist, meaning I lead specialized, structured workshops for mindfulness that follow the MBSR program. However, that also means I have the experience and skills to bring general mindfulness into all therapies provided at my practice located in the United Kingdom. Over my years as a therapist, I have witnessed the power of implementing these practices that have resulted in my clients creating more fulfilling lives. 

How does this help?

Image of person sitting calmly. This person could be practicing mindfulness-based stress reduction after meeting with a mindfulness therapist in the United Kingdom. You too can find support in mindfulness counselling.

At my United Kingdom-based therapy practice, I help individuals explore what’s not going “right” in their lives. We’ll discuss what’s working for you, what’s not, and what really matters. Perhaps there are problems you’ve struggled with your whole life that you’ve left untouched. Or, on the other hand, maybe you’re in a tough season of life right now and needing some extra support. There are some common reasons I use mindfulness in therapy, but I truly believe that adding it to your life can help in many ways.

Some common issues I help folx address with mindfulness:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Low self esteem
  • Body image issues
  • Stress
  • Life transitions
  • Gaining a deeper understanding of oneself
  • Improving communication in personal and professional relationships

Implementing mindfulness in therapy

I use this tool to help clients settle and notice the world, both internally and externally. When you work with me for therapy, we will implement mindfulness exercises into our sessions. This will help you first explore what mindfulness is all about. 

Oftentimes, clients are a bit uncomfortable with mindfulness in the beginning. And I totally get that! If you’ve never sat with your feelings, observing the thoughts and sensations or the body and mind, it’s likely to be uncomfortable to start. With practice, mindfulness can become more comfortable. You’ll start to notice its calming benefits and find less discomfort. 

If you choose to work with me for therapy, you’ll have an open, compassionate, cheerleader on your team. I am committed to helping you move through the discomfort of whatever life’s handed you this season. And that means all of it. The good, the bad, and the ugly. I believe that therapy provides a space for humans to be just what they are: human. So, while I help you develop self compassion and become more gentle with yourself, I too, will be coming from a place of non-judgement.

Ready to start mindfulness therapy in the United Kingdom and beyond? 

Image of person watching a sunrise. This image could depict someone who has been to mindfulness counselling in the United Kingdom and met with a mindfulness therapist. Learn more about mindfulness-based stress reduction here.

If you can’t already tell, I’m pretty passionate about this technique! I believe that adding mindfulness therapy exercises and practices to your life can have many positive effects. Whether those benefits be newfound self confidence, lessened anxiety, or more connection in your relationships, mindfulness certainly has something in store for you. Join me in the journey at my United Kingdom-based therapy practice.

As a recent ex-pat myself, I have previously provided therapy services in the United States, from Illinois, to Florida, and beyond with my PsyPACT licensure. Nowadays, I am located in the United Kingdom and am serving individuals here in the U.K. as well as folx back at home in the United States. Get started with me with three easy steps.

  1. Fill out a contact form.
  2. Meet with an experienced mindfulness therapist.
  3. Start using mindfulness and implement the changes you so desire.

Other Services at ChangeWorks

Mindfulness therapy isn’t the only service offered at ChangeWorks. I want to help create solutions for all of the struggles you’re experiencing. That’s why I also provide both individual and group therapy services. I offer CBT for insomnia, online anxiety therapy and online therapy for expats. In addition, I also offer life transition therapy and therapy for women’s issues. Feel free to learn more about online therapy in the UK, or check out the FAQs for more helpful info!